week has gone by fairly fast. I have had a lot on my mind since the
Christmas season started and I will be recapping a few things that happened
over the entire month because of the fact that I have been mostly knocking and
saying goodbye.
of weeks ago we had everything fall through and were stuck with three hours of
darkness to try and find something to do, so we went to the old fall back and
found an apartment complex in the same area that we were in and decided to
knock. and in the space of about six houses went through the whole
tracting spectrum. first door: "you've gotta be effing (not the word
he used) kidding me, go away." Second door: "not
interested." third and fourth door: no answer. Fifth door: "I'm
on call right now and can't talk but you can come back after the holidays and
we can talk". we walked away silently fist pumping.
I cot the news and tuesday I got the location for my transfer. I am
going to Ripley, WV (figured it out yet?) and have spent the week saying good
bye to all the peoples that I need to.
for the short email, but I'm kind of fried with all the packing panic XD