Charleston, West Virginia Mission

Charleston, West Virginia Mission

Monday, December 19, 2016

florida one day north pole the next....

hey all,

this week has been a slower week than the last few so, I'm only going to give you a rundown of the days that stuff happened, the rest is just knocking and ensign reading.

Tuesday:  we went and saw Brittany and Sandy again and were able to read 1 Nephi 1 with them, sandy really enjoyed it and had good questions while Brittany was still set in being Pentecostal.  we then proceeded to go and teach Jason (Nikki's husband) about sabbath day observance and the joys that coming to church can bring.  and he came! it was awesome!

Thursday: Exchanges.  we had elder LaDue over here and were able to see a couple of people.  Lucky Calhoun (town drunk) was someone that I thought would be just one of those people that we went by to visit occasionally and share a scripture and then leave for a few weeks.  He isn't drinking anymore! he has been sober for a month and we were able to have a good conversation about faith.  *Angel choir sings from the heavens*

Saturday: we had a lesson with our favorite (and only) recent convert Nikki, we talked about various subjects and had a great conversation about Christmas with the whole family.  

all in all it was a good week with a few intersperses of knocking.  

see y'all next week

Elder strunk

P.S.  skyping will progress at 2-3:00 our time so be prepared.

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