Charleston, West Virginia Mission

Charleston, West Virginia Mission

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

that awkward moment when a whiteboard falls in the middle of the night.......

hey all,

Sorry for the late letter.  We got a text saturday night that we would have to switch our P-Day to tuesday because of our interviews. 
wednesday: we had district meeting and were able to have the second ( and most inspirational) district meeting on chapter seven of preach my gospel.  it  is really fun to look at a chapter that at first glance might not have very much relevance in an english speaking mission, but when you get into it you find some of the most helpful things. it goes over (if you take out the word language in all the points) how to develop good study patterns. 
thursday: we went out contacting a few people and were able to have a lesson with the person I told all y'all about a couple of weeks ago.  she seemed really interested and we had a good lesson.
friday: we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I went out to charleston for the day.  there was a lot of door knocking involved and we had a great lesson with one of their investigators and also had an amazing lesson with an episcopal preacher.  that ended up with us setting up a tentative return appointment. 
saturday was all knocking all the time.
monday: we went up to see president and had a great interview.  then we went back to our area and had one of the most successful nights of knocking that I have had in a while.  we had two come back laters and were able to place two Book of mormons.  It was all in all a good day.
As for the title- just as it said..... the other night while we were sleeping a whiteboard fell off the wall and made a loud noise, scaring the bejeebers out of me and not even fazing elder grover.
See y'all next week

Elder Strunk

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